Monitors are those manuals published for the convenience of Lodges, and containing the Charges, General Regulations, emblems, and account of the public ceremonies of the Order, are called Monitors. The amount of ritualistic information contained in these works has gradually increased: thus the monitorial instructions in Preston's Illustrations, the earliest Monitor in the English language, are far more scanty than those contained in Monitors of the present day. As a general rule, it may be said that American works of this class give more instruction than English ones, but that the French and German manuals are more communicative than either. Of the English and American manuals published for monitorial instruction, the first was by Preston, in 1772. This has been succeeded by the works of the following authors: Webb, 1797; Dalcho, 1807; Cole, 1817; Hardie, 1818; Cross, 1819; Tannehill, 1824; Parmele, 1825; Charles W. Moore, 1846; Cornelius Moore, 1846; Dove, 1847; Davis, 1849; Stewart, 1851; Mackey, 1852; Macoy, 1853; Sickles, 1866.
This page is adapted from the Glossary at Phoenixmasonry — Used with permission.