Accessories played a prominent part in the late 19th and early 20th century costume. They held the unique position of being useful jewelry, combining beauty and utility. The useful articles included the memorandum tablet, the lorgnette, the chatelaine, buckles, hatpins, fashionable fans, pocket opera glasses, sash pins, various beaded bags and purses for the women, along with match safes, cigar cases, watches, chains and fobs used by the men. The chatelaines were equipped with several chains to accommodate the following "necessities:" Coin purses, vanity cases in the form of lockets for powder puffs and mirrors, silver card cases, a pencil, a place for lip salve, vinaigrettes, a bon bon box for scent pills, and a tiny writing tablet. These accessories added an intangible expression to the individual.
This page is adapted from the Glossary at Phoenixmasonry — Used with permission.